A tall tale about Elon Musk saving the world with his Twitter machine

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Once upon a time, Elon Musk was hard at work in his laboratory, tinkering with his latest invention: a Twitter machine. The Twitter machine was a marvel of technology, capable of sending tweets to millions of people all over the world in the blink of an eye.

One day, Elon Musk received a distress call from the president of the United States. A giant asteroid was hurtling towards Earth, and it was going to strike in just 24 hours. The president was at a loss for what to do, but Elon Musk knew exactly what to do.

He quickly activated the Twitter machine, sending out a tweet to the entire world. “Attention, attention! A giant asteroid is headed for Earth. Please retweet this message and spread the word. Together, we can save the world!”

The tweet went viral, spreading across the globe like wildfire. People from every country, from every culture, from every walk of life, retweeted the message. The world came together, united in a common cause.

In the nick of time, the asteroid was diverted, thanks to the collective power of the world’s retweets. The world was saved, and Elon Musk was hailed as a hero.

From that day on, Elon Musk’s Twitter machine was used for good, bringing people together and solving the world’s problems. It was a shining example of the power of technology and the power of social media. The end.
